Originally, I was thinking of getting the Canon EF 70-200mm f2.8L IS HSM... then after using my friend's 70-200mm (non-IS), I feel 200mm isn't long enough even when using a TC2.0x, well, it's not that I want to go for safari shooting, but it's would be nice to have a further reach. And I still have my Sigma 50-150mm f2.8, so it's a close substitute and that Sigma so far, doesn't let me down.
So at first, I opted for Sigma 120-300mm f2.8, so when u add a TC2.0x, its an equivalent of 600mm f5.6, just nice I think... then Yen went up and the price of that Sigma jumped by 1.5k, so I changed my mind again.
And after some long thought and reading some reviews online, I end up with this lens. Yeah I know it's not f2.8, but what the heck, it's not like I going to use this lens for indoor/night photography. I already set this lens for daytime shootings, especially when there is a big event happening here (ie National Day, Maulud, etc), where the long reach is really needed.
Anyway, enough talking, let me introduce my new toy... :)
Anyway, here is some quick shots taken from the comfort of inside of my car... eheh... yeah I'm too lazy to go out... eheh... here's a shot taken using Canon EOS 50D, 50mm, 1/400, f8.0, ISO 400.
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 500mm, 1/800, f8.0, ISO 800.

I also did try using other aperture, but upon reviewing the pics, there weren't a lots of difference to notice, unless you're viewing it at 100% crop, but I'm too lazy to provide the 100% crop and furthermore, it's not like I'm going to print a 36x24 inch photo, and when you post something on the internet, you are likely to reduce the image size which will eliminate any/most issues/defects. But if you want to know how it look like at 100% crop, yeah, the image were a little bit soft at 500mm, and the sharpness start to improve noticeably at f11.0.
Anyway, just for fun, I took some indoor shots using this lens on Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
So that's a rough idea on the performance of the lens... the images were reduced by 1/3, eheh, was trying to avoid uploading 1mb per picture... anyway, maybe next week I will be able to get more shots using this lens...
Overall, personally, though I hate the slow speed of f6.3 and it's not quite a sharp as an L lens, but considering the reach and price, I still think it is a bargain. And by reading reviews everywhere, this is the best 500mm zooms lens currently available.
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