First of all, I just want to say that The Half-Blood Prince was my least favourite book among all Harry Potter series, so I didn't really put a very high hope in this movie.
So just like in the book, the movie started kinda slow except for the part where the Death Eater attacked the muggle world. And along the movie, I can't help feeling like they were putting too much emphasis on the teen hormones (errr... romance and stuffs) rather than the impending danger that lies ahead, it was as if Voldemort didn't exist yet... I don't know... maybe it's just me...
And because of that, I feel like things did start to heat up in the last quarter of the movie and it felt like they rush it off to complete it... I didn't feel the intensity of the situation, wasn't as intense as portrayed in the book, the ending wasn't as epic as I hoped for... but then again, you can't expect them to include everything from the book... oh well...
So depending on how you rate the book, you might rate the movie slightly the same... meaning, if you think the book is great, then the movie would be slight less great and if you think the book os average, then the movie might be slightly above average (afterall, the movie did cut out some of the unnecessary scene)... while for me, being a Harry Potter fan, so my rating might be a little bit bias... so I'm giving it a 7.5 out of 10...
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