The Classroom
The assessment ended almost at lunchtime... so lunch break... and this is the view of the outside of Megamas canteen...
Afternoon session... and one of the instructor, John took us out to the parking lot to check the tyre pressure of random car...
Here is how it look like when we hit the brake at 60km/hr... distance between the start of braking and the barrier is 20 meter...
while this is done at 65km/hr...
while the above two video was done on car that doesn't have ABS, this one is done on a car equipped with ABS... on straight momentum, the ABS has small difference with non-equipped ABS...
and in the afternoon, again we being assess on our driving skill after listening to the theory and also being shown on how to drive properly it by the instructor...

and that's a wrap... it may seem short, but trust me, we learn quite a lot in the short 2 day training... and it was an eye opener... personally, I think all driver should have this training... mind you, simply following the law blindly won't prevent you from an accident... so this training provide us with what we didn't get to learn when we were in driving school...
anyway... to wrap things up... Group Photo... :)

owh... I also want to share this clip to you all... do you think there is a difference when you're driving at 60km/hr and 65km/hr? well, watch this and think again...
More photos of the training are available at my Facebook album HERE.