Second bowling in a week! LoL! Well, had this planned coz we wanted to play with Cherry... and someone seems to be addicted to it... hahaha... So yeah, we played again on the 16th, that's 4 days after our first time playing bowling!
Anyway... first up, dinner! coz somebody hadn't eaten for the whole day... but I took just one shot only... eheh... too lazy to take lots of photos there...

but for tonight, we played one round only... and will you look at that! i'm in the 100 club again! hahahha... for someone who don't play bowling, that surely mean something right? teehee...

and yeah... i didn't take lots of photos again... probably coz everyone was busy enjoying their game that they don't even bother to take photo... :)

after the bowling, we went derping around Airport Mall while waiting for Combat & Angelus...

foreveralone.jpg? huhuhu

once Combat & Angelus are out, we checked again at the bowling centre... too bad the queue was kinda long, so we decided to go back to the Burrow instead... but before that...

me, Nio & Rexen made a quick stop at Each-a-Cup for a drink...

and finally... we're back at the Burrow...

well... nothing much happened there... til Najib brought a boardgame (?) called Taboo...

so yeah... the game managed to make us stay a bit more longer at the Burrow... eheh... and at the mean time... Dee from UK was also on Skype...

So yeah... that's wrap up our bowling night again... sorry if it sound kinda lame... eheh... coz i seriously don't know how to write... and furthermore, nothing much did happen... except for what i just explain here... oh well... til next time then... cheers... ^^v