Majlis penganugerahan Kempen Hajat BIBD
MAJLIS penyempurnaan Pengurniaan Anugerah $1 juta, Kempen Hajat BIBD, buat pertama kalinya diadakan di negara ini berakhir hari ini dengan penyampaian hadiah utama yang berlangsung di songket ballroom, Rizqun International Hotel, di sini.
Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda 'Abdul Malik berkenan menyempurnakan pengurniaan Anugerah $1 juta Kempen Hajat BIBD, petang ini.
Pengiran Dr Rahmah Pengiran Jadid diumumkan pemenang daripada 11 finalis yang lain untuk memenangi hadiah utama $1 juta kempen hajat BIBD.
Kempen Hajat yang dilancarkan pada 20 Mac 2009 yang lalu pun menghasilkan sebanyak 16,000 kisah hajat. Sebanyak 93 jumlah hajat telah pun ditunaikan oleh BIBD. Kempen Hajat telah pun menghasilkan seramai 10 orang pemenang pada setiap bulan.
Selain daripada itu, tiga orang peserta hajat telah berjaya memenangi hadiah suku tahunan dan mendapat hadiah hajat bernilai $100,000 pada bulan Julai 2009, Oktober 2009 dan Januari 2010.
Kempen hajat layak disertai mereka yang memegang akaun Al Wadiah Peribadi Simpanan atau Semasa BIBD dan hendaklah warga negara atau penduduk tetap Negara Brunei Darussalam.
Hanya dengan memulakan simpanan di Akaun Simpanan BIBD yang mana jumlah simpanan yang mencapai $500 akan diberikan satu kod hajat.
Kelayakan untuk memenangi hajat yang diimpikan hendaklah tidak kurang $2,000 sepanjang masa kempen hajat dijalankan.
Ini adalah bertujuan untuk membentuk sifat disiplin menyimpan yang mana pelanggan tidak akan bergantung sepenuhnya pada hutang semata-mata untuk mewujudkan impian yang bermakna atau aspirasi yang dihasratkan.
Article taken from Media Permata
'Money comes when you're sincere'
PG DR Rahmah Pg Hj Jadid's was a late entrant into the Bank of Islam Brunei Darussalam's (BIBD) inaugural Wish Campaign but yesterday ended up the first recipient of the $1 million grand prize.
The cash windfall will help realise Pg Dr Rahmah's wish of a permanent facility for an Islamic healthcare centre.
"I am overwhelmed by the result. I'm very, very happy," said Pg Dr Rahmah at a press conference after the announcement was made at the Songket Ballroom of the Rizqun International Hotel.
His Royal Highness Prince 'Abdul Malik, as guest of honour, presented the prize to the winner. He was accompanied by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Hj Bahrin Abdullah.
Pg Dr Rahmah is the founder of Darusysyifa' Warrafahah, an Islamic medical and welfare association which concentrates on providing faith-based, holistic treatment to its patients.
The association's existing centre is not large enough to accommodate the growing number of patients and students of Islamic medical practice, said Pg Dr Rahmah.
Pg Dr Rahmah was selected out of 12 finalists whose "wishes" ranged from establishing a permanent centre for children with autism, to building an ecotourism site, to having the means to take care of their large, extended families.
The winner was determined by the finalist with the highest overall score, with 30 per cent of the score based on public votes through SMS and online via, while the remaining 70 per cent of the score was decided by a panel of judges comprising experts from the fields of business, academe, Syariah and the media.
Hjh Nurul from BIBD said that Pg Dr Rahmah led the public vote by a slim margin, and managed to remain the favourite after a series of rigorous interviews by the panel of judges.
"The room was intense. There was extensive internal discussion and debate (regarding each nominee) the whole day from 8am to 5pm," said Hjh Nurul.
Pg Dr Rahmah told the media that she was a late entrant into the competition and only joined after a bank teller encouraged her to do so after she had accumulated a large number of "Wish Codes" based on the amount of savings in her account.
For every $500 deposit maintained, BIBD account holders were issued a "Wish Code", in the hopes that it would help cultivate a new culture of saving in Brunei.
Individuals should have in their savings an amount that could cover for expenses worth three months, said Javed Ahmad, acting managing director of BIBD.
"In case anything goes wrong, they do not have to be dependent (on anyone)."
"If we don't make changes now, we are encouraging irresponsible behaviour," he added.
The BIBD Wish Campaign was developed to shape a culture of savings in the Sultanate, which could take years, said BIBD's acting managing director.
He said that the campaign was "one of a kind in the world" highlighting the transformative role savings played in an individual's life, and that its success was "a tribute to the (BIDB) team".
Throughout the year-long campaign, 16,000 wish stories were submitted and 96 "wish-makers" had their wishes granted with cash awards after they successfully maintained a savings deposit of at least $2,000.
BIBD said that plans for the next Wish Campaign have begun in earnest and, if everything goes according to schedule, will start in June.
Pg Dr Rahmah said that cost of construction of the Islamic healthcare facility is substantially more than the award of $1 million.
"The price of construction is estimated to cost $1.5 million. I have already applied for land from the Land Office, Insyallah we will get a quick response,"she said.
"If you are sincere in your heart, the money will come."
Pg Dr Rahmah emphasised that no matter how much their overhead costs, the association will never charge patients for treatment, adding that once the facility is up and running they will devise a business to generate income for the centre to be able to afford permanent staff and medical practitioners.
At present, Darusysyifa' Warrafahah is staffed entirely by volunteers and survives on donations given by patients and members of the association.
Article taken from The Brunei Times

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