There could be negative reactions from the public, but to drive home the point of conserving our energy resources, all petrol stations in Brunei will be selling fuel at commercial prices, without subsidy, on May 24 in conjunction with the Energy Day.
"We want to achieve some kind of awareness on the importance of energy resources and its conservation during the Energy Day as well as to make them appreciate as citizens of Brunei Darussalam the staggering amount in fuel subsidy His Majesty's government is bearing every year."
Pg Haji Harun Pg Haji Abdul Rahman, Deputy Director of Petroleum Unit, said this in a press conference on Petrol Subsidy Day to be held May 24.
"We are aware of what the public's reaction would be to this announcement They might fill up the tanks of their cars prior to the Energy Day or just the day after. Even if the response may not be as good as we expect, at least people will be talking and thinking about it in the long run and be grateful of the government's initiative.
"Hence it is up to the individual whether he or she wants to partake in the campaign and experience the actual price of unsubsidised petrol," said Pengiran Haji Harun.
Haji Abdul Shawal Yaman, Head of Management of Energy Day launch, Haji Mohd Anas Haji Abdul Latif, Head of Department, and Young Mei Chee, Head of Media Promotion for Energy Day, were also present.
Meanwhile, Haji Shawal expressed his hope that this campaign will help instil efficient usage of fuel and reduction in the consumption of subsidised petrol and at the same time bring awareness to the benefits of reducing electricity consumption as 100 per cent of Brunei's electricity is generated from oil and gas.
"This campaign is in line with this year's Energy Day theme 'Value our precious energy'.
"The price of unsubsidised petrol on Energy Day is based on two major factors - retail price and actual cost of petrol production," he explained.
Asked whether there is any plan to raise the price of petrol, Pengiran Harun replied, "Such an initiative was made a few years ago as a trial, and we revised and reviewed the impact it had made on our society. This campaign is not aimed at causing any burden to the public, so they need not worry that this will become a permanent price."
The prices of the unsubsidised fuel to be sold only on May 24 were released yesterday.
Haji Mohammad Anas provided a comparison of petrol prices in other countries and said the price of petrol not only includes production cost but government tax is also imposed making it more costly.
"Thus this encourages the heavy use of public transportation in other comities," said Haji Anas.
"Since this is the first time such a campaign is being held, we would review the public's reaction whether it is accepted as an awareness activity to be carried out again in the near future," Pengiran Haji Harun concluded and once again confirmed that the government has no intention to increase the price of petrol in the near future and the Petrol Subsidy Day is only to raise awareness among the public.
Members of the public are also encouraged to take part in the e-saving switch off and set (SOS) campaign on the Energy Day and make pledges through the website www.esavingday.com.
Article taken from Brudirect.
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